This is probably not the most “original” topic I have ever written about, but for the sake of public “health and safety”, it is one that should probably be revisited, especially considering the number of younger patients I have seen with elevated cholesterol levels. The first question that is always asked by these younger patients Read More
Continue ReadingIn recent years, the mainstream media has portrayed GPs as harassed, harangued and over-worked individuals … often frustrated and tired, with little empathy or initiative to provide the best care for their patients. The bureaucratic, and in many ways restrictive national health systems, also appear to further fuel this growing divide between what patients expect Read More
Continue ReadingSo here we go once again! 2024 … New year, new resolutions. Let me see a show of hands who made them? And who has managed to stick to them so far? Well, don’t feel alone or discouraged if your planned resolution efforts have significantly reduced by now. According to Medscape, a study of health Read More
Continue ReadingEvery century has had a name for it. Thomas Sydenham, in the 17th century, called it Muscular Rheumatism; in the 18th century, a new name emerged, Febricula, coined by Sir Richard Manningham; and in the 19th century, a more “medical” name was developed of Neuromyasthenia. In our century, each decade has had a name – M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) Read More
Continue ReadingSmoking. A word, an action and a habit that has in recent years become the pariah of modern society, although smoking tobacco has not always been seen that way. From the millennia-old cultural custom of the sharing of a peace pipe, to the modern-day bleary-eyed, worse-for-wear sharing of a cigarette outside a club or bar, Read More
Continue ReadingThere has been a question which a large proportion of my patients have been asking with an ever-growing frequency, and that is “How can my vitamin D be low if I am living in such a sunny climate?” A bit of a conundrum, yes? After all, it is the vitamin that we get from the Read More
Continue ReadingWe all know the phrase “when life throws you lemons, make lemonade”. But what if we don’t feel like making that lemonade? What if all we want to do is take that bag of lemons and beat the living daylights out of “life”, or better still, take that bag and barter it for that one Read More
Continue ReadingIn our current world of instant and endless access to multiple sources of medical information, it is easy to think that we can all self-diagnose our ailments through a simple ‘Dr Google’ search. But can we really? Can we really replace the clinical experience of a physician with a simple algorithm? Can we afford to Read More
Continue ReadingDra. Lisa Buddrus is a specialist in Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery, graduated at the University of Hamburg, with 15 years of experience and is part of the Luzdoc – International Medical Service team. Dr Lisas’s clinical activity focuses on “offering a holistic approach to orthopedic medicine with a focus on a thorough diagnosis and different Read More
Continue ReadingTHE FULL LOWDOWN ON WRINKLE SMOOTHING TOXINS It has recently come to my attention that there is STILL a lot of misinformation regarding Botulinum Toxins being propagated by supposed “experts” in the field of aesthetics. Hence the decision to get the latest and up-to-date scientific-based evidence regarding what has been the most popular non-invasive cosmetic Read More
Continue ReadingLuzdoc, in Praia da Luz, has existed for the past 43 years under the leadership and guidance of our founder, Dr Maria Alice, who has overseen the constant growth of this company. They have always strived to diversify and introduce innovative, up-to-date medical services that would be beneficial to their client’s health. With this philosophy Read More
Continue ReadingOs antimicrobianos que incluem antibióticos, antivirais, antifúngicos e antiparasíticos são medicamentos usados para prevenir e tratar infecções em humanos, outros animais e plantas. A resistência antimicrobiana acontece quando os germes, tais como bactérias e fungos, desenvolvem a capacidade de vencer os medicamentos adequados para os destruir e, como não morrem, continuam a desenvolver-se. A presença Read More
Continue ReadingIMPORTANT NEWS – LUZDOC/MEDILAGOS Aesthetic MedicineWE ARE BACK! These are extraordinary times we are living through, but we must adjust to a new “normal” with a new set of behavioral rules and health safety precautions. But we still want to help you to LOOK AND FEEL BETTER in the face of our current reality! With Read More
Continue ReadingYou can actually see the difference between the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic (caused by external environmental influences) factors on skin aging by simply examining the skin on your own body, seeing the difference between skin exposed to the sun and skin that is sun-protected, which incidentally can be considered representative of the aging Read More
Continue ReadingIs defined as a common skin disease which occurs when the pores of the skin become clogged with oil, dead skin cells and bacteria, causing inflammation and infection – i.e. spots/pimples!!! To understand this more we have to know a little bit about normal skin. The small holes in your skin (pores) connect to Read More
Continue ReadingNothing good! Skin health and beauty is considered one of the principle factors of overall “well being” and perception of “health” in humans. Watching our skin age can be one of the more distressing facts of aging. Visually we can see the skin aging, becoming drier, rougher and slacker, developing lesions such as benign or Read More
Continue ReadingBefore we look into ways of increasing collagen and elastin levels we need to look into one more very important component of skin aging – Hyaluronic Acid!!!! HA, also known as hyaluronan or hyaluronate, is a carbohydrate molecule which occurs naturally throughout the body, but more than 50% of it is found in the skin, Read More
Continue ReadingThe underlying aim of most aesthetic treatments is to correct the fact that, as we get older, we lose two important components which make up healthy, youthful skin – collagen and elastin!! These are found in the connective tissue, also called the “cellular glue”, which supports, connects and separates the different types of tissues and Read More
Continue ReadingAs we get older all of us begin to see the visible signs of the aging process and nowhere is this more obvious than in our skin and ultimately our face – the part of our body we see first thing in the morning and last thing at night! For the majority of us this Read More
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